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Cleaning The Colon

Ron Lagerquist
I was raised on all manner of white flour foods, animal products and only a small handful of overcooked vegetables. I spent a good portion of first thirty years straining in birth-pains, plagued with chronic constipation and hemorrhoids. Something was not working well at all. Untaught, I assumed the blood and pain was normal until I became educated on health.
After a wonderful fast, I changed to an 80% raw diet. The birth-pains I had learned to live with were forever gone. Today, my stools are soft, light, easily passed with almost no effort. The dread of bowl movements I felt, as a child growing up is gone.
Colon care may not constitute great dinner conversation, yet examining most North American kitchen tables covered with overcooked, fiberless foods, it would be in our best interest to bend over and take a closer look. Of all the vital organs, the one that takes the greatest beating from the hands of our modern diet is the colon. Man made food is not suited for a human colon. A healthy intestine is vital to a healthy body. Eighty-percent of all nutrients from food are absorbed through the intestine. If we eat the way God intended, our colon will remain healthy throughout our life, swept clean by the tiny broom-like fibers in whole foods found in abundance in fruits and vegetables.
There are two types of fiber—soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water. In the blood, soluble fiber helps to lower serum cholesterol by binding with low-density lipoproteins. Water-soluble fiber can be found in apples, oranges, oat bran and beans. Insoluble fiber is the substance in food that cannot be digested or absorbed by the intestine. This category includes pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose and gums. Fiber is found only in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. Eggs, dairy products, and meats do not contain any form of fiber.
Studies found that cultures containing a high fiber diet have a much lower incidence of diverticulosis, which affects 30 million Americans. A weakening in the large intestinal wall caused by the pressure from hard feces produces this disease. The American Journal of Digestive Disorders reported that 85% of diverticulosis sufferers were successfully treated with a high-fiber diet.
Fiber cleans out mucus from the intestinal tract and lowers cholesterol, decreasing transit time through the intestine. Cancer of the colon has been attributed to a lack of dietary fiber. Due to there complete lack of fiber, animal products pass through the intestine slowly allowing time for proteins to ferment producing harmful bacteria. This harmful bacterium secretes carcinogenic by-products that can damage the intestine. This is why nutritionists recommend a salad with a meal high in meat or dairy products. The fiber in vegetables is able to increase transit time through the colon, reducing fermentation and neutralizing some of the toxins in the bowel.
Although fiber is important for a healthy diet and a clean colon, during fasting, fiber slows down the healing process and does not allow the digestive system to sleep. If you eat five pounds of raw carrots rather than drink the juice, your body will have to do the work of extracting nutrients and moving the fiber by peristalsis. Allowing the digestive system to rest is essential in healing. For this reason, juice fasts are more effective in healing when the intestine is empty of fiber. During a juice fast, it is best to use a strainer to filter the pulp from vegetable and fruit juices.
The process of discharging toxic waste is accelerated during a fast, especially during water or restricted juice fasting. Regular bowel movements are disrupted because of lack of fiber. Therefore the toxic waste discharged into the intestine ferments and can be reabsorbed into the bloodstream causing a cleansing crisis or general irritation. We are going to discuss a number of ways to avoid this problem.
Breaking a fast with fruits and vegetables is vital, the high fiber content acts like a cleaning sponge within the intestine cleaning out any loosened old fecal matter and accumulated toxins deposited during the fast.
Using The Enema Kit
In the 1917 Journal of American Medicine, Dr. Kellogg reported that out of 40,000 cases of gastrointestinal disease, he had adopted surgery in only twenty cases, the rest were helped as a result of cleansing the bowels, diet, and exercise. Enemas are far from being a spiritual experience, although I have had almost miraculous relief during a fasting dip, lying on my side, feeling a wash of clean, warm water enter the colon. The thought of inserting a liter of water into the intestine to flush out waste may seem strange but it is the quickest and most efficient way of removing toxic waste from the intestine. The lymph glands, which line the intestinal wall, absorb and filter fluid from the feces. Flushing water through the colon forces a healing reflex.
When performing an enema at the very start of a fast, water is forced to move around residue fecal obstructions, producing a light cramping sensation. To reduce this discomfort it is advisable to drink a laxative tea or senna tea the day before you begin the fast, helping empty out the colon. Also, I suggest eating a raw diet before starting your fast, replacing hard-packed, dry stool with soft fiber-moistened stool. As the fast continues and the colon empties, enemas become easier, even enjoyable
To operate the enema kit, fill the rubber bladder with unchlorinated water that is at a temperature comfortable to the wrist. Hang the bladder approximately three feet above the floor; this height will create a comfortable water pressure. Release the clamp and allow the first bit of water and air to drain into the toilet. Lubricate the tip of the nozzle. Lay on your left side and gently insert the nozzle into the rectum. The release clip will control water flow. As water moves up the intestinal tract, you may feel slight cramps. This is normal. If cramps become uncomfortable, press clip to stop the flow. Relax for a moment, you can gently massage the lower stomach area. This massaging assists in releasing hardened mucus in the intestinal folds. When cramps subside, release the clip again. Make sure you have close access to a toilet for at least twenty minutes in case there is additional discharge. I lay on the bathroom floor, giving the family good notice the washroom will be occupied for about twenty minutes.
I use the kit on the first, third and fifth day, then as needed. When I say as needed, I refer to the fasting dips where an enema can help almost immediately, proving how effective they are in washing out built-up toxins in the colon. Starting my fast with an enema seems to help with hunger pangs and solidifies the beginning of my fast, helping to shut down the digestive system.
When the intestine is emptied the digestive enzymes are able to work on the hardened deposits in the corners and folds. As fasting continues, more embedded toxins are released. You can fast 40 days on water and still release toxins and impacted feces embedded in your colon. The cleansing process works best when the intestine is empty of food. Enemas are valuable in other situations such as food poisoning, diarrhea, constipation or sickness.
Chlorinated water can harm the colon's beneficial bacteria. If tap water is your only alternative, replace the intestinal bacteria after the fast. We will talk about this a little later in the chapter.
Phylum Husk and Flaxseeds
For those who are uncomfortable with using the enema kit, phylum husk is an alternative. You can safely juice fast for extended periods using phylum husk. Phylum swells into a soft gel when mixed with water. This gel absorbs toxins and speeds up the transit time of waste through the intestine assisting the reduction of toxic build-up during juice fasting. Phylum clings to the colon wall, softening and loosening years of impacted waste matter. Phylum contains a demulcent, which is an agent that soothes and protects the lining of the intestine. It also reduces occasional diarrhea that may occur from fruit juices. The phylum eliminates constipation during the breaking of the fast.
Add two teaspoons of whole phylum husk (available at health food stores), to a large glass of water. Mix well and drink immediately or you will end up with a glass of gel. A drawback of using phylum is it can slow down the healing process and may trigger digestion, causing hunger. Use phylum only when needed. The enema kit is still the best for assisting healing.
Colon-Cleansing Formulas
These are mixtures of several dietary fibers, both soluble and insoluble. They may include various herbs that have a cleansing effect on the colon. These are superior to phylum husk, but are more expensive and range in prices from $10 to $30.
Fruits and fruit juices have a natural laxative effect, especially to a digestive system accustomed to a high animal diet. The soft fibers have a cleansing effect on the intestine. This laxative effect stops after the colon happily adjusts to the soft fibers. (If fruit juices cause excessive diarrhea during fasting, use phylum or the enema to eliminate the problem.)
Prune juice or senna teas are natural and safe laxatives and are very useful at the beginning of a fast. I have a friend who will not use the enema kit and instead when detoxification hits hard, drinks a mug of senna tea, finding relief within hours. Find senna tea under the name of Laxative tea in better grocery stores and health stores.
If you choose herbal laxatives, never take them for prolonged periods for they can result in dependence and a weakened bowl.
Intestinal Bacteria Replacement
Inside a healthy lower intestine are billions of beneficial intestinal bacteria or microflora. These bacteria are of the acidophilus and bifidus strains and were transferred by breast-feeding into our intestines as newborn infants.
The body uses acidophilus and bifidus in the final stages of digestion reproducing themselves in total harmony with the body. Toxins, especially drugs, can damage or destroy these beneficial bacteria, allowing harmful bacteria to take over producing by-products like ammonia, purines and ethionine, which can cause cancer. Deficiencies of beneficial bacteria are common especially after heavy use of antibiotics, narcotics or after a severe bout of diarrhea. The devitalizing effect caused by harmful bacteria in the intestine is rarely diagnosed. Headaches, skin infections, weakness and constipation can be symptoms of depleted intestinal bacteria.
Fasting can also deplete the beneficial bacteria because of the large quantities of toxins dumped from the lymph glands into the colon and the absence of food that the bacteria thrive on. Using the enema kit also depletes the beneficial bacteria, especially if chlorinated water is used.
To re-establish intestinal bacteria, purchase plain yogurt with the correct lacto-bacteria content such as President’s Choice or Astro's Biobest. Most other brands will not work because the culture is the type found in animals' intestines. Also, Acidophilus and bifidus capsules are available in health food stores. Mix one tablespoon of yogurt or 2 capsules with one-half cup of water. You may add some warm water but do not heat the mixture or use chlorinated water. After blending the mixture, add to the enema kit. Use less water and try to retain within the colon for ten minutes allowing the beneficial bacteria to pass up through the intestine. This procedure will ensure a healthy culture will propagate.
Acidophilus and Bifidus capsules are heavily encapsulated to prevent destruction of the bacteria by stomach acids. On the day before you break the fast, before eating, swallow two capsules with a glass of warm water. Repeat this once a week. It will take four days for the bacteria to reproduce themselves into a healthy culture.

Enemas and Weight Loss

Many people are amazed that they can lose 3 to 7 lbs. after a good, enema series some people have even reported more.

Declining levels of healthy bacteria in most people’s intestinal tracts, are due to not only the lack of fermented foods in the diet, but also to an overuse of antibiotics a lack of organically grown food in the diet, and an excessive consumption of carbohydrates, all encourage an overgrowth of toxin-producing organisms.Enemas can be used daily when cleansing or detoxifying. It takes time to rid the colon of a lifetime of waste! Using oral bulk fiber cleansers will also help ensure your colon is getting a good cleansing plus help increase colon muscle tone. A good enema is a great way to exercise your colon muscles. Also, increasing whole grains, vegetables and fresh fruits into your diet will increase fiber.If you don't like drinking the fiber mixture, Then get your fiber in capsule form.
Constipation is largely caused by an overgrowth of unhealthy microbes. Stool is largely the byproduct of the life cycle of healthy bacteria. When a colon is overgrown with unhealthy microbes, it is almost impossible for the body to produce a healthy, daily bowel movement.
Some whare along the line bowel management got lost and became a taboo subject, even though a large portion of the diseases in civilization are due to improper functioning of the bowel. For years enemas have been the secret trick used by models and actresses to flatten their tummy before an event. With a good enough diet enemas might not be needed. (but can never hurt) However, most people (even those who purport to do so) do not have a good diet most of the time. The thought of sitting with all of that rotting, putrified matter day after day are enough to assure that a twice weekly enema cannot be harmful. Try it you will shortly feel lighter and much better.


The Truth about Hemorrhoids

You Can Stop Suffering Now!

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are the swollen or inflamed veins found in the lower rectum. There are basically two types of hemorrhoids, the internal and external ones. Hemorrhoids can happen to anyone; there are though some people who are prone to this kind of ailment. One of the usual culprits is constipation. When you have constipation problems, the accumulated stool puts pressure on the rectal veins. Once the veins get irritated, they get inflamed and swollen. If that happens, you are most likely to have hemorrhoids.
Straining during the bowel movement is not the only cause though. The increased pressure during pregnancy is also among the causes. What we don’t know is that our bad eating habits can cause us numerous problems; excessive weight or cardiovascular diseases are not the only results of eating unhealthy and heavy foods; a diet loaded with foods rich in fat and empty calories are a serious risk factor. Increased amounts of sugar, fat and grease reduce the strength and durability of veins. Stools are also deprived of the necessary help so as to pass easily; people who eat junk food on a regular basis, or those who avoid the consumption of fibers are prone to hemorrhoids as well.

What Can You Do?

Whichever type of hemorrhoids you have you need to treat them as soon as possible; there is no reason to suffer more. Prolonged delay in treatment can result in great deal of discomfort and aggravation. If you treat them properly and on time, you will avoid surgery or other inconvenient and embarrassing situations.
No matter how embarrassing you may find the topic, hemorrhoids are a painful and existing reality for thousands of people all over the world. It is considered to be one of the most common ailments, raiding at least the 50% of adults up to the age of 60.

The Truth about Hemorrhoids

Do you know that there are serious dieting mistakes that you can make and harm yourself? Do you know that hemorrhoids symptoms might aggravate just because of them? I guess nobody told you about those things… I know… Nobody told me either. But now I know and I am here to share the secrets with you.


Eating processed food: It is understandable that people today do not have time to cook or prepare a meal for themselves. They end up eating junk food, or things loaded with empty calories that offer them nothing and cause serious problems to their digestive system. Did you know that processed food is the number one culprit for hard and dry stools? Constipation and excessive weight is mostly observed to people who eat junk food, avoiding a healthy diet and lifestyle. The key is to find sometime so as to prepare a good meal for you and your family.

Modern Lifestyle: Most people today spend the biggest part of the day sitting; whether they work or are at home watching TV, most people spend at least three quarters of the day sitting; the sedentary lifestyle of our times helps to the accumulation of pressure on the bottom; this makes the veins finer and thinner, unable to withstand pressure after some time. This creates the ideal environment for the hemorrhoids to occur, if more than one condition co-exists.
Creams and medication: Doctors suggest us to buy creams or medication; everybody does the same but the problem is that we lack the needed knowledge on all these pharmaceuticals products. The majority of those products cause a serious number of side effects; some of them are directly associated to them, while some others are hidden ones and act secretly against our immune system and help. These products do not cure the root of the problem; they just offer temporary relief from symptoms, but they do not address the cause; therefore most of the people who use them are most likely to suffer from the same problem again and again.

If you are tired of the pills and creams that do nothing for you…
If you are sick and tired of avoiding social events and normal activities…

What you will learn reading the eBook:

3 Simple Steps That You Can Follow To Eliminate Hemorrhoids Permanently
Everything about Do It Yourself Home Remedies
Ancient Chinese Hemorrhoid Treatments
Natural Treatment Options
A comprehensive and truthful critic and review of Proprietary Medicines
How to Alleviate Itching
How to Make your Diet Work For You
What is the proper plan so as to Prevent Constipation Occurring and what are the Ways to Reduce Risk of Constipation
How you can Improve your Bowel Movement
What foods are high in fibers
What are the hemorrhoid symptoms
What are the hemorrhoids really and what are the main causes. The explanations and details might surprise you but you will soon find out that it’s the truth.
What are the proper types of exercises and which ones you should be avoiding
Why do we get hemorrhoids and what can we do to prevent them.

What you don't know about the Master Cleanse

By now you've probably heard about the Master Cleanse, and how it can cleanse and rejuvenate your body in 10 days.
The results people are getting with the Master Cleanse seem amazing, but there's something about the Master Cleanse nobody is telling you.
It has nothing to do with the results you'll get because you CAN see some really amazing things happen to your body in those 10 days you spend on the Master Cleanse.

The Master Cleanse Is Not Easy

With all the incredible benefits you get by doing the Master Cleanse people are overlooking that it's kind of hard to stay on it for 10 days.
Even with the excitement of waking up and seeing your belt one notch tighter then the night before, or feeling light and energized all day, staying motivated for the whole 10 days can be hard.
That's the bad news. The good news is there's a book that makes the Master Cleanse a little easier.
That's right, this book will make the 10 days you spend on the Master Cleanse "a little easier". I wish there was a way to make the Master Cleanse super easy but that's impossible.
But just by helping you deal with the hunger and some of the other roadblocks that pop up during the Master Cleanse this book has helped ordinary people who might not have lasted a day on the Master Cleanse make it through the entire 10 days.

PS. I don't know how long this will last, but right now when you pick up a copy of that Master Cleanse book you'll also get a report called "Optimizing Your 4 Purification Systems" that can give you similar results to the Master Cleanse. And unlike the Master Cleanse "Optimizing Your 4 Purification Systems" is very easy for anyone to do.

3 Rules For Finishing The Master Cleanse

If you are not prepared for what you'll experience when you do the Master Cleanse there's a good chance you'll fail. Typically lasting just 10 days, it's easy to see why people just "jump right in" to the Master Cleanse thinking it will be easy. It's not.
During your time on the Master Cleanse you are likely to experience hunger, aches, and irritability. Most people give up because of hunger. Putting solid food aside for a couple days and only drinking liquids is harder then most people think. Even though the cravings for whole foods can be difficult they do subside after a few days on the Master Cleanse.
So rule number 1 for finishing the Master Cleanse is getting past the third day. Instead of focusing on completing the entire 10 days from the onset of the cleanse just focus on getting past day 3. Breaking the Master Cleanse down into smaller milestones will be a big help.
Rule number 2 for finishing the Master Cleanse is dealing with aches and soreness. Headaches are one of the most common Master Cleanse side effects, but some people also get body aches. To reduce aches you should drink a lot of water. It's also good to relax and not push your self too hard when you do the Master Cleanse. Exercising should be kept to light walking and stretching. Your body will be going through a rigorous cleansing process during the Master Cleanse, and won't be able to adequately recover from intense exercise during this time.
Rule number 3 for finishing the Master Cleanse is overcoming irritability. This affects the people around you more then it does yourself, but it's something you need to be aware of before starting the Master Cleanse.
It's best to let the people around you know that you're going to be doing the Master Cleanse ahead of time so they can do their best to accommodate you. Also try to plan your Master Cleanse when you're not too busy. Most of us can't just take 10 days off to do the Master Cleanse, but you should try to avoid doing it when you're swamped at work, or have other stressful events going on in your life.
There's more to succeeding at the Master Cleanse then I can cover in this small article.

Large Intestine Dysfunction and Colon Problems

Our large Intestine were intended by nature to function as a smoothly flowing colon sewer systems in order to promptly flush digestive wastes from the body.
Unfortunately over the years this colon sewer systems tends to become blocked with materials, causing all sorts of problems to the physical, mental and spiritual body.

Slow transit time can cause large intestine dysfunction. Ideally, food that enters your body should pass through within 16-36 hours. If not gas, putrefaction and fermentation can set in. Causes of slow transit time can be lack of roughage in the diet, not drinking enough water, eating in between meals, eating too many refined foods. If your transit time is over 36 hours, you may have a colon problem (or it could be elsewhere in the gastrointestinal tract). To check your transit time chew 10 charcoal tablets before a meal, record the time you ingested them. Watch your faeces and record the time the last of the charcoal leaves (should appear black). The time between ingestion and the last bit leaving is your transit time. After you’ve been treating your colon for 1-2 months you may want to recheck and see if it has improved.
A diet low in roughage and high in refined carbohydrates can also cause diverticulitis (out-pocketing of the colon caused by hardened faeces and the extra strain to move them), constipation, and bacterial changes (due to the fermentation and putrefaction).
People on a high fiber diet have lactobacillus and streptococcus as their main intestinal flora. On a low fiber diet, E. coli proliferate (especially if your refined carbohydrate intake - white flour, white sugar, etc., is high) can lead to diverticulitis, cystitis, appendicitis, gallbladder inflammation. Antibiotics can also change the bacterial flora for the worse.
In a colon with a slowed transit time, bacterial imbalance, and low roughage, bile acids upon reaching the colon can be converted into carcinogenic substances. Staying in contact with the colon walls for long periods of time, these substances can possibly be a cause of colon cancer. Toxins, poisons, and free radicals from the plaque itself and from pathogenic bacteria and parasites living in and under the plaque constantly seep into the bloodstream and lymph, settling in the weaker areas of the body, especially the liver, kidneys and spleen.Bile acid breakdown products (lithocholates) also signals the liver to decrease bile acid production. Since cholesterol is used to synthesize bile acids, a decreased synthesis will raise cholesterol levels and also increase susceptibility to gallstones.
People in "primitive" societies on diets of unrefined foods exhibit very low incidences of colon problems.
Causes of colitis include adrenal insufficiency, a weak immune system, diminished secretion of hydrochloric acid, decreased roughage, increased use of refined carbohydrates, stress, antibiotics, eating food you’re allergic to.
Besides an imbalance in intestinal flora, a high fat intake is correlated to a high incidence of colon cancer. This includes refined animal and vegetable fat. Meat fat when exposed to air can form malonaldehyde (commonly found in rancid foods) which is especially suspect of causing colon cancer. Spices, beer, high protein diets, and alcohol are also suspect in colon cancer.
Nerve pressure in the lumbar spine can cause colon dysfunction
Haemorrhoids can be caused by a congested liver, adrenal insufficiency and a low roughage, high refined carbohydrate diet.
If your stomach or small intestine are malfunctioning or you don’t chew well, and partially undigested food reaches the colon, it will putrefy and can damage the colon as a result
Diarrhea can be a sign of colon dysfunction. It can also be due to eating something you’re allergic to, a ileocecal valve that is not closing properly, vitamin B deficiency, medication side effects. It could also be your body’s effort to flush through a harmful substance as quickly as possible.
Constipation can injure the colon or be a sign of a malfunctioning colon. Causes include a low roughage diet, food allergys, wearing restrictive clothing, not drinking enough water, lack of exercise, chronic use of laxatives exhausting bowel tone, spastic ileocecal valve, worrying, side effect of certain medications.
Voluntarily inhibiting your external sphincter muscle too often, to prevent defecation, can cause constipation and retard the reflex, leading to an atonic (out of shape) colon. Establishing regularity is very important in preventing constipation.
The thyroid, adrenals, liver and parathyroid should also be evaluated by your health practitioner in cases of constipation as possible causes.
Some also believe that a bowel movement should occur regularly, aiding and abetting nutritional cycles. Infrequent movements or periods of constipation (especially those extending beyond 72 hours) can result in a partial decomposition of waste, which can encrust the colon walls and hinder elimination.
When we don't eliminate our waste, toxins back up in the colon which can cause "auto-intoxication", or self-poisoning. This occurs when the bowel walls become encrusted with uneliminated fecal matter, hampering the absorption of vital nutrients and providing a breeding ground for unhealthy bacteria. Blood capillaries lining the bowel wall absorb these toxins into the bloodstream, consequently polluting all our organs and cells. When the walls of the colon are packed (or lined) with accumulated faeces, the colon cannot absorb nutrients or eliminate wastes properly. Food cannot be processed efficiently in the colon, if unfriendly bacteria begins to grow. Fermentation and putrefaction of undigested food results, and toxins (poisons) are formed.
There are some 36 poisons that pollute the body. They include indole, skatole, phenol, creosole, putrescine, cadaverine, sepsin and others. In cases of alimentary toxemia, one or several of these poisons are constantly bombarding the delicate body cells. This can cause disease, one of which is the dreaded colon cancer.

Signs of Colon Problems

If the bowel is overworked or malfunctioning, the body will try to find other areas of elimination, thus skin and other organ problems can all be symptoms. Here is just a short list:
Poor appetite
Back and muscle aches
Bad breath and body odors
Coated tongue
Increased cholesterol levels
Colitis or inflammation of the colon is marked by fever, weight loss, weakness, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the intestines can lead to both diarrhea and constipation.
Constipation: The infrequent or difficult elimination of faeces, associated with the presence of dry hardened stools. Constipation can lead to intestinal toxemia, which is a form of blood poisoning caused by the absorption of bacteria and their toxins through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream.
Diarrhea: (frequent passage of watery bowel movements)
Digestive difficulties
Diverticulitis: little pockets (small herniations) formed in the weakend colon wall that push out into the side of the bowel. Fecal material lodges in the pockets to rot and irritate the colon. If they inflame it is called diverticulitis and symptoms can include acute pain, tenderness, diarrhea or constipation, fever.
Eyesight problems, such as sunken eyes, swollen eyes, poor eyesight,
Haemorrhoids are actually varicose veins in the rectal area. They can be marked by pain, itching, bleeding, and distention upon straining to defecate. Straining to eliminate hard, dry fecal material can irritate the rectum and give rise to haemorrhoids.
The flora of the colon can become imbalanced which can manifest as a burning pain somewhere in the body, especially the feet.
Inflammation: Toxic material in the colon can inflame the lining. If you have any doubt that this material is injurious to the body consider a little baby and how you have to keep its diaper changed. If its bowel movement sits too long against its tender skin, the skin becomes red, irritated and inflamed. The body is pushing it out because it is toxic and irritating. That is why it is important for bowel elimination to be quick and efficient.
Irritable bowl: A disturbance of the intestinal contractions that move food down the intestinal tract. This disorder cases constipation, gas, colitis, diarrhea and pain.
Memory loss
Moodiness and irritability
Sallow skin
Skin rash
Spastic Colon Muscular spasms in the colon can cause constipation. This makes the elimination pattern erratic, with alternating periods of diarrhea and constipation. Stress will increase constipation.
Stiff joints (especially knees),
Stomach heaviness
Weight problems (overweight)

Implants are small nurturing enemas, also used for rectal feeding

Implants are a great way to nurture the body after an enema. Depending on what you want to achieve they can be refreshing, stimulating, calming, cleansing etc. They are also great if you can't take food/supplements orally because they make you nausea or if you can't take food because of injury (rectal feeding). The following recipes can be used for a retaining enema (hold 450 ml) which stays in for up to 45 minutes, in this time some of it will be absorbed. Or it is prepared for an implant (50 ml) which stays in over night and is absorbed by the colon to nurture the body.
You can use many more herbs that are not described here. Just follow the general guidelines for making up implants from other herbs.

General guidelines for making up Implants:

Implants should be given at body temperature(35C - 38C)Extracts: from 500 ml bottle of extract use 1 capful to 1 ltr water
Dried Herbs: 1 handful to 1.25 ltr water. Boil, add herbs, simmer for 20 minutes
Green Herbs: 5 handful to 1.25 ltr water. Boil, add herb, simmer 20 minutes


Acidophilus / Bifidus and other Probiotics

Candida, normalize peristaltic actionUse 1/2 tsp to 50 ml water

Dispels gas, diarrhea, mucous, colitis, incontinence and is generally healing for body’s membranes. Use 1/2 capful from the extract bottle for 500 ml water.

Calming, refreshing, stimulates circulation and cleansing.Make a tea of 1.3ltr warm water, 3 pinches dried basil, 2 pinches aniseed

Calming, diuretic, good for cramps, diarrhea and nausea.Make a tea of 1.3 ltr warm water, 3 pinches of aniseed and fennel seeds1 teaspoon honey, 2 tablespoons olive oil
Apple Cider Vinegar

1 to 4 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar in 1 ltr warm filtered water.
Bicarb Soda

Remove accumulated gas2gr. sodium bicarbonate and 28 gr. glucose to 600 ml water
Catnip Soothing, fevers5 tblsp to 500ml of water. Boil, add herbs, simmer for 20 minutes

Soothing, revitalizing, circulation, alcoholism, heart problems, low blood sugar, congestion, ulceration of colon wall.Use ¼ tsp or 10 drops to 2 ltr water
Cayenne & Ginger

Strengthens nervous system, adrenal glands, hypoglycemia.Use 5 drops Cayenne and 1 tsp liquid Ginger to 1 ltr of water

Soothing, relaxing, anti-inflammatory 1 handful to 1.25 ltr water. Boil, add herbs, simmer for 20 minutes

Detoxifying, high in potassium, stops headaches as well as giving a little extra boost of energy while leaving one with a sense of well being. 6 tblsp to 1.2 ltr water. Boil for 10 minutes then simmer for 20 minutes. A rinse enema after is good if you feel strong effects.

Even higher in potassium good for mental confusion, heart failure, bloating, relaxes colon muscle, stimulates peristalsis1 tsp Gersens Potassium to 250 ml of coffee

Antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, catarrhal conditions, infections of upper respiratory tract, blood cleanser, acne, eczema, boils, peritonitis, antibacterial, antiviral.From a bottle of extract use 1 capful to 1 ltr water.

Flaxseed is soothing, easy to retain, contains linseed oil and natural Vitamin E is a great healer of inflamed bowel mucous!170gr Flaxseeds, 1ltr boiling water. Let steep for four hours. You will obtain a very slightly grey-clear, shimmering, mucousy semi-gel with black seed husks suspended in it - normal appearance. Strain out the seeds with a sieve and dilute the resulting clarified gel to approx. 1.5 ltr of warm water.

Detoxifying, anti coagulant, anti bacterial, anti fungal, respiratory problems, high blood pressure, gout, cold, fever, Candida, Crohn’s disease. Fresh garlic juice kills as much yeast as several of the pharmacological and herbal antifungal. Use 1tsp liquid to 500 ml water or crushing three medium sized cloves of FRESH garlic in a garlic press and steeping the crushed material in a cup of hot water. Steep for an hour, dilute to approx. 1.5 ltr with fresh warm water and administer slowly.

Calming, circulation, aid digestion, stimulates secretion, flatulence, sinus and bronchial congestion, ulceration, mucous, bleeding of rectumFrom a bottle of extract use 1 capful to 1 ltr water. Or make 1 tablespoon fresh Ginger juice and add to 1 ltr of water.
Green Barley

Anti inflammatory, repairs cellular DNAUse 5 handful of fresh green Barley Grass to 1.25 ltr water. Boil, add herb, simmer 20 minutes.Or use 2 tablespoons of dried powdered Barley Grass to 1 ltr of water.
Honey or Molasses

Nourishing, purging effect, removes mucous, chronic colitis, Iron absorbtionUse 2 tblsp to 500 ml water

Sedative1 handful to 1.25 ltr water. Boil, add hops, simmer for 20 minutes

Antiseptic, diuretic, high in Vitamins, sciatica, gout, joint ache, worms, hardening of spleen and liver, eases wind and pain1 teaspoon of horseradish in 1.8 ltr warm water

Relaxing, soothingSoak a handful of lavender in 450ml of olive oil in a warm water bath for about 2 hours. Let it stand for 24 hrs. and then filter it. Mix this with 1.3 ltr warm water.

A basic lemon enema consists of the juice of three lemons in 1 ltr. lukewarm pure, filtered water

Demulcent, respiratory catarrh, coughs, mucous, soothing for inflamed conditions of bowel.Use 1 handful to 1.25 ltr water. Boil, add herbs, simmer for 20 minutes

Nurturing, soothing1.3 ltr of warm water, 450 ml warm milk, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon honey (optional)

Rejuvenating, nurturing, Iron200ml of whole Milk and 200ml of molassesTake it slowly and hold it for as long as you can
Natural Cellular Defense

put 3 drops in 50ml of water or add to any other implant you have prepared.

Nourishing, healing for internal membranes, lubricating, spastic constipationUse 50 ml of undiluted Black Sesame Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sunflower Oil or Almond Oil

Mental confusion, heart failure, bloating, relaxes colon muscle, stimulates peristalsis Use ½ tsp to 300 ml of water

The peppermint is soothing and relaxing to the colon. 1 teaspoon of peppermint oil in 1.5 ltr of hot water. Let cool down to 38C
Roman (recorded in the Satyricon)

Strengthening (it is said to help the man do his job)1 liter warm red wine, 5 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons olive oil, Juice of fresh truffles (or mushrooms etc), mix well

To cause ex-osmosis, chronic mucous colitis¼ tsp Epsom Salt to 2 ltr water

Remove mucous, relieves spasm, anti inflammatory, colitis1 level tsp to 300 ml water
Schuessler salts

Good for Symptoms described under Schuessler SaltsDissolve 2 tablets in 500 ml water
Slippery Elm

Calming, nurturing, anti inflammatory, Crohn’s disease1tsp to 350 ml hot water
Sodium (Buttermilk)

Detoxifying chemicals, weak musculature of colon, absorbs poison250 ml Buttermilk to 250 ml water
Solidago (Golden Rod):

Kidney problems1 handful to 1.25 ltr water. Boil, add herbs, simmer for 20 minutes
St. Johns Wart

Neuralgia, irritability, anxiety, sciatica, fibroids!CONTRAINDICATION: Do not use if on medication for circulatory conditions1 handful to 1.25 ltr water. Boil, add herbs, simmer for 20 minutes

Analgesic, alterative, antiseptic and stimulant, stops hemorrhage, aids in digestion of sugars, fats and oils, decongests the liver, swellings and may help with tumors.1 tblsp to 1 ltr water. Boil, add herbs, simmer for 20 minutes
Uva Ursi

Anti bacterial assists Kidney and Bladder, tonic for urinary organs1 handful to 1.25 ltr water. Boil, add herbs, simmer for 20 minutes
Uva Ursi & Horsetail

Diuretic, astringent, cystitis, urethritis, Kidney congestion1 handful to 1.25 ltr water. Boil, add herbs, simmer for 20 minutes

(or Vervain, Chamomile, Skullcap)Tranquilize, insomnia, restlessness, flatulence1 handful to 1.25 ltr water. Boil, add herbs, simmer for 20 minutes

Inflamed tissue1 handful to 1.25 ltr water. Boil, add herbs, simmer for 20 minutes


A Coffee enema is great to help the liver detox

Why should you do a Coffee Enema?

Coffee Enemas have been used for over a hundred years as a generalized detoxification procedure. It is a common herbal remedy that has been suggested by holistic and alternative medicine professionals for many years. Coffee enemas stimulate the liver and gallbladder to release stored toxins and wastes and liver function is enhanced.

How does the Coffee enema work?
The effects of a coffee enema are different than a saline enema. The most important difference between a saline enema and a coffee enema is the presence of caffeine in the coffee. Caffeine, theophylline and theobromine, combine to stimulate the relaxation of smooth muscles causing dilatation of blood vessels and bile ducts.
There is a direct communication of veins called the enterohepatic circulation. Have you ever felt sick just before having a bowel movement, when stool material has just moved into the rectum for elimination? As soon as the material is evacuated, you no longer feel sick. This is due of the toxic quality of the material and the enterohepatic circulation coming into play. Because of this, it is important to evacuate when you have the urge. The rectum should usually be empty.This circulatory system enables toxins to be sent directly to the liver for detoxification, rather than circulating them through the rest of the body and all of its vital organs including the brain. This system of veins carries rectal/sigmoid toxins directly to the liver for detoxification.
This means that the coffee is absorbed into the hemorrhoidal vein, then taken up to the liver by the portal vein where it becomes a very strong detoxicant. It causes the liver to produce more bile (which contains processed toxins) and moves bile out toward the small intestine for elimination.
The coffee contains some alkaloids which stimulate the production of glutathione-S-transferase, an enzyme used by the liver to make the detoxification pathways run. It is pivotal in the formation of more glutathione, one of the main conjugation chemicals, enabling toxins to be eliminated via the bile into the small intestine. So in other words, a coffee enema speeds up the detoxification process and minimizes the backlog of yet to be detoxified substances because the enzymes in coffee, known as palmitates, help the liver carry away the toxins in bile acid. With the bile ducts dilated, bile carries toxins away to the gastro-intestinal tract. Simultaneously, peristaltic activity is encouraged because of the flooding of the lower colon. Thus, when the colon is evacuated, the toxins and bile are carried out of the body. This process seems to free up the liver to process more incoming toxic materials that have accumulated in the organs, tissues and bloodstream.

Instructions for a Coffee Enema
Make a Coffee Concentrate: (enough for 8 enemas):
Boil 2 litre of purified water
add 340 gr ground organic coffee
simmer for 1/2 hour
cool, then strain
reconstitute to 2 litre
put into 2x1liter glass bottles (ex milk or juice bottles) mark bottles at 250mls with marker!

Prepare the Coffee Enema Formula:

Take 250mls of Coffee Concentrate
add enough warm purified water to make p to one litre
Hang the enema kit on a tap or door know so that the outlet of douche is approx. 40 - 60 cm above your body (lying down).
Make sure the valve tap is closed
Pour the 1 litre Coffee Enema into the douche container
Open the valve tap to clear all air out of the tubing, being careful not to lose coffee, then turn the valve off.
Place a blanket and towel on the floor
Lubricate the tip of catheter
Lie on your right side, insert the tip of the catheter (approx 2-3 inches) with both legs drawn close to the abdomen to allow the fluid to run into the bowel slowly. You can also try lying on your back.
Use the tap to turn off during use (eg. if you get cramping or the feeling that you are full)
The fluid should be retained approx 15 minutes before elimination.
Do this once a day after your normal bowel motion. A enema should not replace your own urge to go to the toilet!

What are Ayurvedic Bastis

"Basti" literally means bag/container/bladder. In ancient times, sterilized urinary bladders of animals were used to instil the enema, hence the name of the procedure is Basti Karma.
Ayurvedic Basti involves the introducing of liquids like medicated oils, herbal concoctions and milk through the perineum (through the anus, urinary meatus or vaginal orifice in women) in order to clean or heal the lower part of the body (below umbilical part). The toxins (ama) accumulated in the lower part of the body or the toxins pushed to the colon, urinary tract or reproductive tract by previous ayurvedic procedures like Oil-therapy (snehan) or Sweat-therapy (swedan) can be cleared with bastis.
An Ayurvedic Basti has significant multiple effects and hence cannot be compared with contemporary enema, which is used for bowel cleansing or nutritive therapies. Though Basti practices directly affect the colon they are much more than a localized, symptomatic treatment. In administration, effects and intent the Basti differs significantly from Enema and Colonic treatments which only address the eliminative capacity of the colon.
The Basti procedure restores the balance of the body types (doshas) in particular VATA body type (there are 7 body types in Ayurveda). It increases weight in emaciated people, decreases weight in the obese, improves vision, prevents aging, brings back lustre and strength, and healthy longevity. It is specifically for vatic disorders. It relieves constipation, distention, chronic fever, cold, sexual disorders, kidney stones, heart pain, backache, sciatica and other pains in the joints. Many other Vata disorders such as arthritis, rheumatism, gout, muscle spasms and headaches may also be treated with Basti.
Basti is effective for most of the digestive disorders like dry colon, dry rectum condition and the tendency towards constipation resulting from such conditions. It also provides relief in conditions like distention of abdomen, flatulence, spastic colon, dryness of digestive tract observed in chronic fever, etc. Body debility, senile debility, impaired immunity, muscular dystrophy and bed ridden conditions like paralysis can also be treated by Basti. Basti can also be used to give some energy supplementation to the body, as the mucous membrane of the rectal canal is a semi permeable membrane.

Types of basti:

There are different types of internal Bastis (Pakwashaya):
Anuvasana Basti - enemas with medicated oils, tonics, herbal milks
Nirooha-asthapana Basti - enema of water based medical extracts or medicated water
Uttar Basti - the vaginal douche, given with medicinal decoctions for various gynecological complaints, such as uterine prolapsed, leucorrhoea, mennorhagia, urinary obstruction, habitual abortions, infertility, etc.
Mutrashaya Basti - medicated fluids are introduced through the urethra (male)
Vranagata Basti - medicated liquids are used to irrigate and heal deep wounds and abscesses
Yoga Basti - a series of 8 treatments, beginning with Anuvasana Basti then followed by Nirooha basti. These two treatments are given on alternate days and the last two treatments are concluded with Anuvasana Basti
Kala Basti - a series of 16 treatments, beginning with Anuvasana Basti then followed by Nirooha basti. These two treatments are given on alternate days and the last four treatments are concluded with Anuvasana Basti
Karma Basti - a series of 30 treatments, beginning with Anuvasana Basti then followed by Nirooha basti. These two treatments are given on alternate days and the last six treatments are concluded with Anuvasana Basti
Bruhan Basti - nutritional enema
Basti is given four to six hours after a meal or best in the mornings. Bowels and bladder must be evacuated prior to Basti treatment. It is best to provide a warm oil massage on the belly and back followed by fomentation of the abdomen (a warm water bottle on the belly for 10 minutes) before the treatment. If emesis (vomiting) and purgation treatments are to be given, they are best administered prior to Basti.
Medicated water enemas are to be retained for 48 minutes (minimum 15 minutes).
There are other external Bastis also used in Ayurveda which are not discussed here.

Basti is generally contraindicated in all types of diarrheas, dysenteries, per rectal bleeding, diabetes, severe anaemia, hypoproteinaemia, breathlessness associated with any problem and pulmonary tuberculosis (raj-yakshma). It is also contraindicated in infantile problems and senile debility.
Contra-indications for Nirooha Basti Pregnancy (unless specified by physician), Children under 10 yrs, after meals, after sex, dysentery, internal obstruction, after vomiting or purging, if too tired, exhausted, serious skin disease, urinary disorder, intoxicated states, piles, anorexia, psychosis, dryness of throat, anal inflammation, oedema, malnourished, weak persons, or those suffering from tuberculosis, accumulation of fluid, peritonitis, diabetes.Contra-indications for Anuvasan Basti Persons in whom Nirooha basti is contraindicated; anemia, jaundice, piles, fewer, diarrhea, poisoning, emaciation, enlargement of the spleen, chronic catarrhal inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane, fasting.
Complications of Basti therapyWhen Basti therapy is incomplete, spasmodic pains, burning sensation, anorectal itching and pain, anorexia, blockage of stools and wind are noticed. If given in excess, it causes anorectal inflammation and ulceration, fissure, weakness, and muscular cramps.
For pain in abdomen after Basti, massage the abdomen gently!
For headache experienced immediately after Basti, a gentle head and forehead massage followed by Ginger tea can be given. This can be followed by Nasya (special ayurvedic treatment to cleanse the sinus area)
If liquids are not expelled after 48 minutes another Basti treatment is prescribed with hot water (38C) and fomentation to the lower back and abdomen. Warm water can also be consumed. If complications arise fast acting purgatives (eg Castor oil with warm water or prune juice) must be administered immediately to expel loosened toxins from the colon.

What to do after the Basti:

A light diet should be taken after bastis for one day
and the following activities should he avoided:
sitting for a long duration,
standing for long duration
excessive talking
sleeping during the day
exposure to cold
too much sunlight
sexual relationship
untimely meals
an incompatible diet
suppression of natural urges (e.g. sneezing, farting, burping, elimination of faeces)
The Ayurvedic Oil Enema (Anuvasana Basti)
The oil enema will moisturize and rejuvenate your entire system. It is generally recommended if the body or any part of it feels dry.
This procedure is best done 4 to 6 hrs after a meal or in the morning. Bowel and bladder must be evacuated prior to the treatment. If possible give yourself a light belly massage with warm oil then put a hot water-bottle on your tummy for 10 minutes.
You will need a 60 ml syringe, a rectal tube, 50 ml of Black Sesame Oil

Directions for use:
Pour 50 ml of lukewarm oil (preferably Black Sesame Oil) in a glass, suck the oil into the syringe by putting the tip into the oil and pulling on the syringe handle.
Connect the rectal tube to the syringe.
Turn the syringe and tube with the tip up and slowly push any air out of the tube.
Lie on your left site with the left lower leg straight and the right leg flexed at the knee and at the hip joint.
The Anus and the tip of the rectal tube should be lubricated with Black Sesame seed oil.
Carefully insert the rectal tube (about 5 cm).
Then slowly and steadily inject the oil.
Stay lying on the side for 15 minutes before getting up.
The oil should be retained for 24 hours or more. This will happen naturally, more so if you do it at night time. It is recommended to wear a pad during the day, especially if you have a tendency to release wind.

Enema information

We normally don't rave about anything, but do yourself a favour and read about liquid activated Zeolite, it might just be the 'missing link' you are looking for.
With enemas you can prevent the accumulation of constipated waste in the lower bowel. Your blood will begin to clean-up right away and your natural cellular defense will go up. When this happens the toxins that are concentrated in your tissues will diffuse back into the blood where they will be eliminated by your liver and kidneys. You can help this process with liquid Zeolite as well as other Implants. Your liver and kidneys are no longer overwhelmed by toxins and as long as you control constipation and try to avoid pollution from other sources, your liver and kidneys can do a remarkable job in natural cellular defense.
Many serious diseases may be averted through this gentle, scientific technique. Enemas are a key factor in the restoration of the body's natural balance and overall quest for vibrant health. Enemas are specially helpful when you are on a cleanse or fast to quickly help the body remove accumulated toxins in the bowel. It can be helpful in any type of “unwellness” like headache, fever etc. If you suffer from heavy constipation an Enema can also be useful. But never let the Enema replace a bowel movement. Enemas should be kept to a minimum and used only for short periods. They are not meant to replace a healthy bowel movement and prolonged use will make the Colon lazy because of the larger amount of water and the strain that sometimes is needed to hold the water in.
In my experience enemas can save a lot of suffering, reduce the amount of time that people are sick, lessen the amount of prescription drugs and medication that a person needs to take, it helps relieve (not a solution for) constipation and can help to heal the body from chronic illness.

Home made enema device.

People have asked me why I look so youthful, beautiful, have a glaring soft and unblemished glowing skin, despite of my age of wisdom.I told them, "I drink lot's of lemon juice", but that's a lie.My secret is garlic in a juicer and strong black coffee, passing inside me using a tube, if you know what's enema means, it's away to put liquid inside you via your anus, using a simple device.Of course I need to fast for all the solid waste to be removed easily, but I never fast long enough, I admit that I like food, and our familyhave very social food tradition, we enjoy food alot. What I do is I fast continually, or they say, intermittent fasting.As I have observed, some people who take longer fast like 40 days, never fast again, why? - because of course it's hard, as they experience it, butfor me, the key to fasting is that it must be fault-tolerant, with continuity. So if I can't fast for 2 days, then I'll eat, so I can fast for thenext day. and it works wonderfully well for me, besides the more you fast, the greater you increase the amount of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),which makes you much smarter, and can give you an attitude of an alpha-male--which is really cool!So about the enema, I put 5 cloves (not the whole bulb) of garlic in a juicer, and dillute it in a 1.5L bottle filled with water, It's a great start tocoffee enema, since 1, it will kill the parasites in your colon (we all have parasites-FYI), 2, you get all the helpful benefits of garlic directlyinto your bloodstream, and 3, you'll retain the coffee enema much efficiently (because you cannot retain garlic enema longer--trust me).About the parasites, if your butt is itching, you'll need a garlic enema.Then the coffee enema, I use strong black coffee, but I also use instant coffee, 6 tablespoon of coffee dilluted in 1.5L bottle, with warm body-temperature water.Oh, coffee enema is the holy grail of all enemas, because 1, it filters your blood (because your liver acts like a dialysis machine to remove toxins in your blood),2, releases the toxins in your liver and bile, 3, force your body to produce more glutathione-S-transferese antioxidant recycler, which is really popular among hollywoodstars, because glutathione not only benefits the body of anti-oxidants, it also has a side effect of making your skin glow.Now coffee enema is different than taking L-Glutathione suppliments, because instead of weeks to see the results, you'll see the results in just minutes--literally!So just look at the pictures to begin your enema right away, and by the way, use vitamin E to lubricate the tube, and don't forget to sterilize the tube in boiling hot water, before and after use.You'll need a 1 meter tube, funnel, scissors, hot water or lighter.

Types of Enema

Enema varies according to the temperature of the water.

Cold Enema:

50of-65of (or 10oC-18oC). It is helpful in decreasing fever and it is also beneficial in inflammatory conditions of the colon especially in cases of dysentery, diarrhea, ulcerative colitis and hemorrhoids.

Don't turn on the Enema nozzle fully. Take 10-15m. time undergoing Enema practice. In the case of ulcers and hemorrhoids, take 10gm of dried Need leaves (powder) boiled in 1 liter of water, & then allow to cool. Strain this water and then use.

Warm Enema:

97oF-100oF(or 36oC-38oC) is recommended for general fitness and well being once a week. It helps to cleanse the rectum of the accumulated tassel matter. This is not only the safest system for cleaning the bowel but also improves the peristaltic movement of the bowels and thereby relieves constipation.

Hot Enema:
104oF-115oF (or 40oC-45oC) is beneficial on sudden occasions such as stoppage / obstruction of tassel matter and intestinal gas in which you may also feeling be mentally uncomfortable.
Hot Water Enema is beneficial in relieving irritation and pain due to inflammation or rectum, painful hemorrhoid. It also helps leucorrhoea in women.
It is also beneficial in general abdominal pain, abdominal pain due intestinal gas and pain of kidney, liver and spleen.

The quantity of water used should be ј - Ѕ liter and the enema duration should be for 10mins. In the case of ulcers and hemorrhoids, boil 10 gm of dried neem leaves (powder) in 1 litre of water, & then allow to cool. Strain this water and then use.

Graduated Enema:

In graduated Enema the amount and temperature of water is slowly decreased up to the 15th day. It is started with 2 liter of water and decreased by 125 ml per day up to 125 ml. on 15th day. In the case of temperature , it is slowly decreased from 100o F to 70o F (i.e. 2o per day). It is highly beneficial in cases where intestines are over dilated and it improves the intestinal function.

Enema Difficulties

Some common discomforts felt while taking an enema:
Pain in the abdomen:Sometimes abdominal (large intestine region) pain is experienced while taking Enema.
Solution:If you feel pain while taking Enema, the first thing to do is to turn the Enema nozzle off. Then, press the region of pain with four fingers or palm and rub the area. After that continue massaging your abdomen in an anti clock wise direction.
Sometime pain is the outcome of a small amount of air taken in as water finishes from the Enema pot.
Be careful that the Enema Pot should not get completely empty. A stainless steel enema can is best for the purpose which you can buy individually OR it comes as part of your whole Enema Equipment
Before beginning ensure that water flows smoothly to remove any air bubbles and turn the enema nozzle off.
Water Comes Out :In some cases due to hard tassel matter or in cases of less rectal muscle elasticity in post stroke cases, water may come out.
Solution:As water starts coming back, turn the Enema nozzle off and take the Enema Catheter out. Pass out all the water in the WC. Following this, two things to do to carry on taking Enema:
Always introduce Enema catheter in Rabbit (Shashankasana) Pose. This is shown in the enema instruction book that comes free with your enema equipment.
Let the water flow in regulating the tap and then turn off the Enema nozzle off after 30 seconds. Then turn it back on after 2-3 minutes.
Water does not flow in or is obstructedSometimes the intestinal walls block the opening of the catheter
Solution:To overcome this, try moving the catheter a little out and then back in.

How often to take an Enema?

General In the Nature Cure Hospital, Enema is recommended once to twice a day.
But for a normal healthy person, looking for better health and well-being, should take Enema once a week. It is always better and convenient to practice it on weekends.
Hyper acidity or conditions of excess constipation indigestion. People suffering from any of these conditions should practice enema twice to thrice a week or on alternate days for 1 Month to 3 months. Once the symptoms start disappearing and you begin to feel good, the frequency should be decreased and nature should be allowed to take over.
Note: Enema is not habit forming. Instead, after cleansing the large intestine, the intestine is actuated to perform better. The peristaltic movement (moment of contraction and relaxation of intestine which moves the fecal matter toward the rectum and Anus) also improves.

Preparing For Enema

The wonderful aspect about enema is that it can be done EASILY without much preparation. It should be done in the morning on an empty stomach and preferably AFTER answering nature's call (unless severely constipated).
While for usual practice, there are no special diet requirements, however, for a Complete Detoxification, the following diet observations should be followed and enema should be Preferably done over the weekend :
 Diet on the day before Enema Day
Fruits - Papaya, Guava, Pear, Apple and Grapes or any other seasonal fruit.
Mid-morn (11 am)
1 glass of seasonal fruit juice.
1 bowl of soup of vegetables having high potassium content and cabbage
1 bowl of soup / juice
1 bowl of vegetable soup or seasonal vegetables with roughage.
Note - Take at least 3 liter of liquid or water on that day.

(ii) Things to avoid for a complete detoxification
Strictly avoid flour and its products the day before and on the day you will take enema.
Avoid aerated drinks and alcohol on the day before and on enema day.
Avoid eggs and Non-vegetarian food the day before and on the day taking Enema.
Avoid vegetables like Potatoes, Lady's finger, Jackfruit and Brinjal.
Avoid eating bananas the day before and on the day of Enema.
Avoid eating pulses day before (legumes) the day before. You can take them on the Enema day for lunch (after enema).
General: Avoid smoking on the Enema day and the day before

Your First Enema - Cleanup

Hopefully your first enema went well. Cleanup should be relatively easy. Here are a few tips to follow.
A bleach solution of one tablespoon of bleach for every quart of water is good to use to sanitize your enema bag and tips. Rinse your hardware before and after you use the bleach solution.
Baby wipes or adult moist wipes are always nice to have on hand. They can be very helpful in cleaning up any problems.
Some people like to sanitize their equipment with boiling water.
Hang the bag to dry. This will retard mold growth.
Don't use your enema bag for anything else and don't share it with your partner. Your enema bag should be a very personal item, for your use only. Think of it like a toothbrush. If you and your partner want to cleanse you will want two enema bags.
Clean any linens and such as you would items used for a baby. The above bleach solution can be put in a spray bottle or mixed in a batch. It is good for sanitzation.

Your First Enema - Inserting the Tube and Administering The Enema

For The Receiver:

Find a good position. Make sure you are comfortable and can relax. Be sure you can clean up if a problem is to occur. Make sure you or your partner have good access to your anus.
Lubricate your anus. You might want syour partner to massage some lubricant inside your anus and rectum. This will help when the nozzle is inserted. You will want your anus to admit the nozzle so that you can relax.
As the nozzle is inserted, relax as it passes your sphincter. You might want to take a couple of deep breaths as it passes.
Relax, as your partner turns on the flow. Mentally picture yourself receiving it. A good partner will slow the flow if you experience any gripping. You may end up making a mess if you panic. Instead, try to relax, everything will be fine. If cramps come (and they probably will during your first enema) have your partner stop the flow, breath deep, and try massaging your stomach area.
If you feel the need to evacuate, ask your partner to stop the flow. Relax, the desire will pass as your colon relaxes.
You might feel your stomach expanding. Let it. Try to hold the enema for a few minutes.
When it is time to evacuate, take yourself (with the tube still in place) to the lavatory. Wait until you are in a position to evacuate before you remove the tube.
After you evacuate, take a deep breath and feel your lightness.

For The Giver:

As the master of the enema you have a great deal of responsibility. The enema receiver is in a very embarrassing and delicate position. You should respect their wishes in everything that follows. The following tips should make the process go as smoothly as possible.
Lubricate your partner's anus and rectum well. A finger works well for this purpose. One way to do this is to apply a liberal amount of lubricant to your finger and to the outside of your partner's anus. Next, press the tip of your finger into the center of your partners anus. Use about enough pressure to just crack an egg shell. Be patient. Applying constant pressure for a second or so will allow the anus to receive your finger. Apply the lubricant liberally working it in and out. Assuming your partner reacts positively to anal stimulation, I'm sure they won't mind.
To insert the nozzle, learn from your experience with your finger. You should know how much pressure will be required. The nozzle should slide right in.
Hang the enema bag about 1 foot to 18 inches above the anus. Hanging the bag higher will produce more pressure and flow, lower will produce less pressure and flow. Dropping the bag below the anus can result in back-flow during the procedure. This can be kind of messy.
Open the clamp slowly. Don't try to give the entire enema at once. Sometimes it can take up to 15 minutes to administer.
If the receiver has a full colon (hasn't recently deficated) they may not be able to receive as much as usual. If you want, they can evacuate and receive another.
While filling your partner, watch for signs of cramping. If this occurs you should slow or stop the flow until your partner can relax.
Remember to respect all of your partners wishes.
You might want to massage your partners stomach to encourage further cleansing.
When your partner wants to evacuate you will want to follow your agreed upon plan. You will probably have to carry the bag, try not to raise it to high as this increases the pressure.

Your first enema - How to make the enema

Temperature is important when administering an enema. Many people report having a bad experience with their first enema. This might be related to the enema solution being too hot or too cold. Either of these conditions can cause a sort of cramping (sometimes called gripping). A good temperature to fill your enema bag to is about 102 degrees (give or take a couple). This temperature will feel right when inside your colon. Too hot and you can experience burning, too cold and you might have extra problems with cramping. A thermometer only costs a couple of bucks. In this case it is definitely worth it.
For your first time, you might want to stick with water. As you become more experienced you might move onto castille soap, Oil, Phospho Soda or even Coffee. For now water should be just fine.
How Much:
Many enema bags hold two quarts. This is quite a bit of water. Some folks treat enemas as a sort of contest and look for the largest enema bag they can find. Two quarts is plenty and a two quart enema bag is about as large as there is available on the market. If you or your partner cannot take all two quarts, do not worry. The enema companies aren't giving away any medals.
Tip, Clamp, and Lubricant:
Install the hose, the clamp, and the tip onto the enema bag. Lubricate the tip so that it will insert easily. We recommend a water based lubricant because they are condom safe and this may come in handy later. If you need more lubrication and won't have any trouble with a lubricant that harms condoms, petroleum jelly (vaseline) will work better.

Your first enema - Positions

What Position Should You Use:
You have a few choices as far as positions are concerned. There are some good candidates.
The Left Side Position: Lie on your left side. Bend your right leg (upper leg) toward your chest. Keep your left leg straight. This position should be fairly comfortable while giving good access to your anus.
Doggie style (knee chest) position: Get on your elbows and knees with your head down and you buttocks high in the air. You might even want to put your chest to the floor. This position should give your partner good access to your anus. This position may be familiar to anyone with experience in anal sex.
On your back: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Your knees should be together while your feet are separate. This should result in you sitting a little bit knobby kneed. This should allow good access to your anus from below.
Over The Knee: Some people like to receive an enema in an over the knee position. Lie across your partner's lap. This position might put too much pressure on your stomach so you might want to put your stomach between your partner's legs.
Note: It is possible to receive an enema on a toilet, however in this position the body is almost forced to expell. You will most likely have trouble holding an enema while seated.

Who uses enemas

A number of different types of people use enemas. Mainly, it seems that enema users can be classified into two different groups. Those that use enemas as a sexual stimulant (usually called Klismaphiliacs or Klismos)Those that use enemas for health reasons (such as colonic therapy).
Enemas can be administered alone or with a partner. If you are using an enema for health benefits, you might consider using it alone. If you are interested in the more sensual aspects of enemas a partner might be right for you.
It might be appropriate to mention that some enema users are interested in completely different sensations than others. Enema users interested in health might be more interested in relaxing while enjoying the colonic cleansing. Klezmos or people interested in enema sex might be interested in inducing cramping as a form of domination or punishment. These groups will need to take a different approach to give or receiving an enema.
Either way, enemas are an interesting thing for a number of people. Internet interest into enemas is quite high. On the search engine Yahoo! there were more searches for "enema" last month (6585 in fact) than condom (2237), vibrator (902), orgasm (1875), diet (5929), and sexual positions (2569). It did not score as well as sex toys (7320), sex (248,140) or masturbation (9436) but it was fairly close. This leads me to believe that there are alot more enema fans than you would believe.
The next time you are enjoying a colonic cleansing or are receiving an enema at the hands of your partner, you might find great comfort in knowing that there are many others like yourself.